Dienstag, 5. März 2013


Hello everyone :3 This time I don't want to post a sim, sorry :( 
 I have a friend, who is very, very precious to me, and I
want to support him so much i can . 
He has a youtube channel  and has a very, veerrry good taste of music . His Name on youtube is 
 I really like him , <3 <3 <3
so would be great if you could listen to some of his songs and subscribe him  *-* 

And you also can write him a message for a song he should/ could translate next ...

Here are some Songs . The genre is Rock, but, don't think it's Screamo... there is so wonderful 
melody and the text ... aww so, soo godly ... in every song he translates !

Mayday Parade- Everything's an Illusion

The Cab- Lovesick Fool
He also likes Dead by April , Bullet for my Valentine and so much more :3
thanks and bye for now , guys - Brofist ;) :3


P.S : I will create new sims this weekend ... if you have any Ideas, we have a Chatbox, or comment this *_* ... would be great !!

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